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Endurance Laddie Boy P301L

ASA registration #: x4363080

Endurance Laddie Boy P301L

Birthdate: April 28, 2023
Birthweight: 83#

Sire: Endurance Peggy's Choice
Dam: Wolf Ridge Polly 161D

Thickly made, this red calf is out of a 7-year old cow that we bought as a heifer from the late Gary Kaper. He demonstrates the ability to do well on grass while maintaining body condition without grain. He exhibits depth of rib, body capacity, and muscling in his hindquarter. When this calf walks away, the width in his rump and forward to his chest is amazing. His native/heritage Shorthorn sire was raised on our farm where we graze our cattle on fescue-based pastures. His reproductive development has been good for a grass-fed calf his age. If we did not already have two herd sires, we would seriously consider keeping this calf to use in our herd.

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