Grand Oaks Farm
Our Story
Grand Oaks Farm specializes in seasonal fresh vegetables and pastured eggs and meats while nurturing the soil, plants, and animals in our care. We are family owned and operated. It is with pleasure that we feed ourselves and our customers.
Our family has a long history in farming, going as far back as 1832 when one of Scott’s ancestors began homesteading. This farm was a dream for the ten years prior to our purchase of 18 acres in May 2015. Much hard work and learning have characterized our first few years of farming. As our knowledge and understanding expand, we are able to offer increasingly superior products to our customers. We currently offer seasonally fresh produce, eggs from our pastured hen flock, and pasture-raised meats, including 100% pasture-finished beef and pastured chickens as available.
We currently have a small herd of purebred, heritage Shorthorns, a flock of laying hens, and market gardens here at Grand Oaks Farm. The pastures surrounding the barnyard and house include many mature oak trees as well as hickories. The farm name comes from these old trees. The beautiful red cattle graze the grass-based pastures, and the chickens forage through the grass for insects and seeds. We choose to apply organic growing practices as much as we are prudently able, because we believe this limits our production costs and improves the health of the animals, the plants, the soil, and ourselves. Thus, our customers also benefit from delicious, healthy, nutrient-dense food fresh from our farm.
We invite you to call us, send us an email, or contact us through our farm’s Facebook page or website. Try our eggs. Our customers tell us that they cannot eat another “grocery store” egg again after enjoying the rich flavor and intensely golden yolks of the eggs from our pastured hens! Our fresh vegetables are available during the growing season, usually May through early October. Look for us at the Crawfordsville Farmers Market or ask us about farm pick-up. We would be delighted to serve you.